Bill Kaulitz all'uscita da un locale di Los Angeles con la pelliccia ad Agosto!

scritto da Alice Ziveri

Di certo non è la cosa più comune del mondo vedere un vegetariano dichiarato uscire da una steakhouse indossando la pelliccia. Ad Agosto.
Ma si sa che Bill Kaulitz è nato per stupire in ogni cosa che faccia, e d’altronde la pelliccia è palesemente finta e sicuramente il locale, un ristorante modaiolo della nightlife di Tinseltown, West Hollywood, Los Angeles, avrà in menu tanta carne quanti piatti vegetariani, per soddisfare le manie vegano-animaliste che dilagano fra il jet-set hollywoodiano ormai da tempo.


Tuttavia piace il total-look in grigio pallido, vagamente casual, con queste sneakers rasoterra, pantalone morbido a righe verticali e il trucco appena percettibile.
Il pellicciotto biondo dà quel tocco di Bill Kaulitz-ismo che rende quello che altrimenti rientrerebbe nell’ordinario un look iper personale.

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,


Notato il septum piercing (l’anello al naso)?
Il cantante sembra avere avuto uno scoppio d’amore per gli anellini metallici ultimamente: nella recente apparizione a Catania ne ha sfoggiati, nuovi, ben cinque alle orecchie e, appunto, uno al setto nasale.
Che Bill si diverta a sperimentarsi in maniera sempre nuova non è una scoperta.
Proprio nel viaggio estivo in Asia lo abbiamo visto in versione anni ’80, fra giubbini di jeans, camice a quadri e occhiali da sole modello Ray-Ban. Versione army, con una vera e propria tuta militare verde fango, catene e anfibi di pelle alti quasi fino al ginocchio. Versione formale-elegante, con camicia bianca a inserti neri, pantalone in lana dritto e capelli da parte.
Sempre in Asia, Bill ha accennato durante un’intervista a progetti che riguardano l’ambiente moda… la passione e la creatività di certo non gli mancano.
Cosa aspettarsi?

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,

43862, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Saturday August 21 2010. German pop star Bill Kaulitz samples the LA nightlife with a visit to the STK Steakhouse. As he was leaving, a bodyguard tried to cover the face of the Tokio Hotel frontman. Photograph;  Anthony,